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Computer Assisted Dispatch

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Public Safety Depends on Advanced Computer Assisted Dispatch Systems

The safety issues that face communities today are varied and frequent. Auto accidents, weather-related events, natural disasters, fire, and violent crime are often unexpected threats that demand immediate response by law enforcement, firefighters, and emergency medical service personnel. During an emergency, a quick response time is critical for averting disaster and saving lives. 



Emergency Call Taking and Dispatch

Maps and apps to maximize your computer-aided dispatch (CAD)



Complex public safety needs demand systems that can effectively manage the volume of data that flows between call takers, dispatchers, and first responders. A well-integrated computer-assisted dispatch (CAD) system will capture accurate incident and location information and coordinate an appropriate response that’s delivered within minutes to the impacted parties.

However, all too often, CAD systems rely on aging technology that drastically reduces their efficiency and effectiveness. Modern and innovative technology systems are required for CAD systems to enable emergency responses that protect public safety and mitigate disasters.

TeraPixels CAD systems leverage the latest technological innovations to simplify and automate the administrative elements of emergency responses, empowering your agents to focus on the jobs at hand. Now, the systems can streamline the response request process to handle it all autonomously; you won’t even have to make a phone call to send out an initial request. It’s also more accessible than ever to see the status of each bid and its corresponding units, as this solution maps all deployed units and tracks their locations to provide accurate timestamps.


Fully integrated mapping optimizes response time by efficiently directing agents to their end destinations as quickly as possible. The system also records all previous requests as well as their corresponding results, enabling smoother record keeping processes. It’s no longer necessary to sift through a wealth of chat systems to contact each response agent. Instead, the CAD system contains built-in messaging functionality that effectively eliminates the miscommunication so often associated with emergency responses.


Fullyintegrated mapping optimizes response time by efficiently directing agents to their end destinations as quickly as possible. The system also records all previous requests as well as their corresponding results, enabling smoother recordkeeping processes. It’s no longer necessary to sift through a wealth of chat systems to contact each response agent. Instead, the CAD system contains built-in messaging functionality that effectively eliminates the miscommunication so often associated with emergency responses.


With an established reputation for the best security technology solutions on the market, TeraPixels provides dependable CAD systems that are customized to your unique needs. Contact us for a no-obligation quote on your CAD product offerings.

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